

Day 102: For one night only

Your political regimens don't matter.

Opening ceremony. Nature. Yes.


Day 100: Stop, look, listen.

Wow. Made it to 100 days. Not in real life that is, but in virtual life. It's hard to imagine how much has changed since this thing began. I can't even remember what Post #1 was. I can however remember where I was in my life and what I wanted out of life. And I still want some of the same things but not all. I've learned a lot since Day 1 and have been able to take a step back (NOT backwards, just back) and look at my life from a little wider angle than I'd previously been using. So I'm dedicating Day #100 to the following statement:

I am so in love

with life

right now.

On another note, I may not be updating as frequently. Not because I'm out of happy things -- this blog could go on for centuries. But I've found another outlet for relating all such things to the world. The happy things, but also the things that make you think. So yeah.

For now, chase down some happiness.

And donate some blood =]

[While waiting for this picture to upload I took a look back at some of my first posts...hahaha. I love being able to laugh at myself. I love where I am right now. Did I mention that?]

Maybe I won't let this blog slide. It's kind of nice to see where I was back in June of last year and where I am now. Who knows where I'll be in another 8 months?